I started my Humira shots on Tuesday.....blaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
It is an experience I have a hard time articulating. I'm not one for digging this deep or opening up my weaknesses but I'll just pretend this is my health journal for my eyes only. So the shots come by overnight mail. In a perishable box...it has a small cooler and ice packs inside...super weird. Humira has to stay refrigerated. So it is a shot for my auto-immune issues.It basically attacks my over active immune system that is attacking and eating away my joints, bones & muscles. Side effects including; nervous system problems, nausea, feeling sick or weak, lowers immune system, dizziness....and blah more I'm too tired to list.
The first 24 hours tingling sensation and weakness in muscles. The next 48 hours nausea, dizziness, headaches, flu like symptoms. I actually feel better today. Still not 100%. My last 1 a week shot made me sick for 4 days. Not worth it!
So the actual shot itself is hard, cause of a huge phobia, I try to relax while Scott ices and swabs my hip, still cant relax, he jabs the needle in and it seems like forever.....then it starts to really hurt...but still not done...so not relaxing yet...finally pulls out then my leg starts to tingle and go numb moving up to my arm and other side of body.....fighting the urge to ball like a baby...cause I am too proud to cry....plus fear of side effects. So overall my drama mama moment. The deep rooted version; I don't look sick, but this just affirms it. It makes me feel old or even worthless. I know these are weird emotions but I hate relying on meds & doctors. I love all natural healing and herbal remedies. Don't get me wrong I am more than grateful for modern meds and the time I was born....I could be in a wheelchair, dying at 40. I'm not cause of these meds so I am grateful. I just hate feeling weak and being sick inside.
(as per friends request)I made a commitment to take better care of me. I went into the doc last month....its been a while....and I asked him to check my blood....just a hunch. Yep cholesterol 317...and others high as well. So I had to change my diet drastically.
I try to walk for 30-45 a day. It is really hard to get out. I have to force myself to move. It hurts to work out but I know its good for me. I have lost 3lbs and 3inch this week.
Things I changed;
-cut out the pop~alternatives; 100% juice, water, green drink or sparkling water
-cut out dairy~alternatives; rice milk, IF i eat cheese 1/2 the fat swiss or mozzarella-(cheddar too much fat and cholesterol) watch out for that soy ladies it messes with female hormones and causes depression and breast cancer. (soy beans are fine..they are not processed) no butter or egg yolks
-lower salt content~alternatives; garlic, garlic powder, onion, chili powder, cilantro, parsley etc. check the labels don't buy seasonings with sodium or msg. Add herbs and spices instead of salt. They have cleansing properties your body needs.
-no red meat~alternative....death! I love steak. really lean pork, chicken, lots of fish.
-No white stuff~alternative;whole grains baby! Whole wheat bread, pastas(pastas in moderation still-like 1 a week) brown rice, home made popcorn, & rice crackers
-LOTS OF FIBER-flax meal in everything, (even substitute for eggs and oil in baking recipes) lots of green veggies-organic is always best even if frozen-or just clean your produce VERY well-BEANS, get excited about high fiber and protein filled kidney beans in salad or alone, black beans with mexican food, mmmmmm hummus!
-And of course-MOVE; it doesn't have to be a big ordeal. Just moves 3-4 different times for 10 min. When you feel more comfortable add another 10. To prevent bone damage use weights with every ten min. Use house hold items....cans, water, tools. Just get your heart pumping!
-And I am all for different herbs & teas :)
What new changes have you committed too?
What has worked for you?
5 years ago
Oh Shanna, so sorry about the shots, that sound horrible. But I'm glad that you are feeling a little better. I'm sure the change in the weather hasn't helped. Eating right is super hard too, I've been trying to do better and it's been difficult. There is so much crapola in stuff we eat.
I still want to come up, next week should be fine, I think my kids are finally mostly better now. The baby is a lot better anyway so that's good. We can plan out Shana's shower when I come up, maybe make some invites. I'll find out from her what will be the best day etc.
I sure hope all this shot stuff gets easier for ya! I would just cry! Let me know when you're going out to walk! I'm inviting myself! It would be so good for me too! You've made alot of huge changes! I'm so proud of you!
Shan--so sorry that you have to deal with all of that pain. you are such an amazing example of strength!! know that i love you and i miss you so very much. xoxo
WooHoo!!! :) Congrats and YAY! for you for making some great changes for yourself!!! Your bro has been doing the same and doing really well..he's lost like 20 pounds now and looks hot! :) (well, he's always looked hot...) I am finally getting my rear moving too...after cycles of being active and healthy and cycles of, well, not (usually coincided with a baby...) I am beginning again to move more and eat less. Awesome that we are all doing it together. :)
Your hubby sounds so sweet the way he is giving you your dreaded shot! I'm sorry it's no fun! I think it's fun to get shots and have blood drawn and stuff...I do not envy you your health issues, however. I feel the same way about dr.'s and med's and stuff...but those are made wayyy more effective because you do so well with your health as far as eating and everything!!! Good for you!! :) And YES...huge blessing that the technology and know-how is here when you need it!! :)
I want to come walking as well. I can't wait for spring and warm weather. Thanks for your help yesterday. I really enjoyed talking to you, you are so cute.
Lean on friends when you're having a rough day, okay?! Even if you don't feel comfortable- people CARE and WANT to help you!!!!!
Because of your great advice and healthy samples you gave me, I've lost 6 lbs.!
Not a lot, but something is better than nothing, right?!!
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