First of all this is just me thinking out loud. It is so not directed at anyone.
I know this bugs a lot of people but I am most definitely a philosophizing person. I can't help it. It is too much in my nature. I have tried to change thinking it was a bad thing...I am done with that thought. I have obviously been given this for a reason. I hate to say it, but I'm too old to care any more what people think of me, but this is me. Sure I can give advice....but for those that this makes their skin reassured I am horrible at living this wisdom or life experience or knowledge or the tune in thing for my own well being. What ever you want to call it. I am a good third person to give my honest perspective on every angle. Because of my own life choices, and or mistakes and sins I think I am that person that could tell you whatever from all sides. I know my honesty has gotten me in trouble before too...I know I have offended before as well. But know that it was never my intention. The worst part about this is people think I am being nosey or a know-it-all, but honestly, these things just pop into my head when people are talking. Some things I can use a filter on and some things I know need to be said. I too would want those that are called my friends to be honest with me for I am a prideful but humbled spirit. I know it is kind of a contradiction but I think it is my curse. I am so comfortable with people that are brutally honest. It makes me feel like I can trust them. I have a hard time making friends with female gender to begin with so I love those that are real and straight forward. It takes A LOT to offend me. Did I mention A lot. So I guess my philosophy inquiry is.....
are you true to yourself and your thoughts and actions?
Do you offend easily?
Are you fake about your feelings around your friends because you are afraid of what they might think of you?
Always remember, I learned this the hard way, even if a friendship doesn't last; you where meant to meet that person and learn their best quality and apply it to your life.
5 years ago
I have LOVED this about you! I would rather have a friend who is brutally honest than just a friend that is scared to be honest in fear of hurting my feelings. I am the same way. I know when to not speak, but I also know when to speak! And sometimes, I feel like I am too honest. It has gotten me in trouble before! But, this is what I like about you! :)
Love you tons!
Oh, I will get those addresses later today!
P.S. I can't wait to be by you!!!!
YIPEEE.... playing all the time!
Fo Sure baby!
I love that you are honest in your friendships. It is an amazing quality. I like to think that I have this quality too. (Not to toot my own horn!!) I think that you should never hold back! If you offend (then that person chose to be offended!)
As for me, I do not offend easily if at all. I like to think that if someone hurts my feelings or offends me that I would confront them because more often than not they didn't mean too. Hopefully that makes sense!!
I love you girl...stay true to yourself. You are the best :)
1) I am true to myself as much as I so far understand myself. The longer I live, the more I find out I didn't know about myself.
2) I do not get offended easily unless it is by something a family member does (usually because they have hit a hot button), but I am presently working through this.
3) I am pretty honest with people. I have learned though that just because something is true, it doesn't mean I have to say it. So, I am becoming more careful about the timing of my words.
Another thing: I'm really good at hearing what people aren't saying, but I don't usually tell people that I know what's going on in their lives or with their marriage or whatever because the timing isn't right or my mentioning it is not necessary. But it is interesting anyway to see what people think they are hiding.
I hope you have the funnest day EVER!!!!!
Yes, you and I are a lot alike. :) I could've written this post! :) I do not offend easily at all since I know most people have good intentions and I choose not to have a victim mentality. It is a great perk of getting feel more and more confident with who you are as a person every year. I also feel like what is the point in a friendship if it's just a fluff friendship and the other person is not willing to have a deeper, more honest relationship.
And, in case I haven't mentioned it enough times already (and plan on me mentioning it like tons more in the future...) you guys need to come to our house for Thanksgiving! I've already got your Dad convinced! :)
Happy Birthday Aliya!
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