Aaaah. The sun has been shinning. This last week was so nice. Aliya even got to crawl on the grass for the first time. She went nuts. It is now cloudy and overcast. I love that charge of the D. We need more sun!
Aliya is so funny,she crawls like a BMX rider. She gets excited and crawls really fast, then spins and sits, then crawls fast again, spins again and laughs. Its too funny to watch. She loves saying up, up the stairs, on the couch. She also growls at the dog or any dog for that matter. Not a big barker but a growler. Not walking yet but she loves to stand up in the middle of the room for everyone to clap. She like a little pop tart.
Tyring to get new pics....waiting for scott to bring home his camera....charged.
Does no sunshine affect you?
5 years ago
I really enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend too, the kids finally got outside to play. The baby wasn't so sure about the the whole grass thing, didn't want to touch it at all, it was funny. I want to come up and get some beading stuff from you but the baby has been sick too, so I don't want to give yours germs, and we need to talk about Shana's shower. I'll call you later this week.
Hell ya! No sunshine=no good mommy! Sunshine=happy mama usually!
Totally am digging the sun/impending spring/no-snow thing!
i am good either way!! as long as the weather is comfortable then i am happy! i hope you are well :) xoxo
Yes for sure! I feel so much happier when the sun is out.
I have loved this weather too!! When I move out there, we are going to go walking together and play in the sun!! :) I can't wait. Lets lay out for sure! It will have to be in your backyard because mine won't be fenced. haha... I am gonna make you hang out with me ALL the time!!! And you know me, I NEED SUN! I am obsessed with it. I am glad I got to see you the other day. I miss you and love you tons. I can't believe how big A is getting. She is so precious.
sun???????? are you sure we live in the same state????
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