So to get pics on my blog I have to copy them to my special card in my phone Scott got me, put it in the adapter disk thingy, unlock Scott's undercover popo trunk, sort through a shotgun and 5 black hard suitcases to get his fancy work Nikon and cord, (he uses for evidence an junk) put my adapter disk thingy in his camera, copy them onto his work computer he brings home on the weekends. I kinda forget how to do it so I bug Scott to copy it. Weeee, wasn't that fun. So that's why it takes me a while to get new pics up.
So we got RSV for x-mas at my house! It was a blast.
I wonder what gets us in a funk around now. I guess I should speak for myself. I think I'm lacking in major vitamin D. I hate feet of snow. We would like to move somewhere warm someday cause my body hates me. Did I mention I hate the snow. I love the mountains but I miss the weather never dropping below 65. (That was like hundred years ago.) So my point is,I think women should get tanning discounts so we all don't go postal in the winter. Leaving my house sounds like pulling my teeth out right now. Maybe it's in the water? Maybe it's obvious life choices and I just want to feel sorry for myself when I have so many blessing. I also think there should be a slapping service for people like me. Its a speed dial number on your phone, then within the hour someone comes to your door with a slap to the face. SNAP OUT OF IT!
LOL! Wouldn't it be nice if life where that easy. The "easy" button. I guess we wouldn't learn anything or become stronger to deal with later in life struggles. I'm rambling. So if anyone else is in a funk, how about those turn your life around words of wisdom.....or a good punch in the nose would suffice! I love, and miss you all!
peace out
I know what you mean about going out, like anywhere, I don't want to go out in the freakin' freezing cold. And why the heck did it snow so much again today? Troy is out of town so I'm going to have to shovel the porch tomorrow :)) Wahoo!! I'm sure your body is having all kinds of fun aches and pains, I feel so sorry for you when it gets so cold like this. I wish we could just sit in a hot bath all day:) (well not together, you know what I mean, that just sounded weird didn't it ;P ) Sorry you guys were sick, hope you are all doing a little better now, hopefully we can come up this week, we still have your gift and haven't seen ya in awhile, miss you tons!
I'm totally funkin' right now too girl.
My dad gave me one of those sunlamps... "happy lamps" as he likes to call it.
Come over and we'll fake tan under the happy lamp and talk all sorts of solutions to our problems. Or just talk about our problems. Either way- COME OVER!
It's nice to see a few pics! I'm so sorry you've all been sick! I know I'm more than ready to move to the sunshine state! I can't handle these cloudy days that run into months here! I hate driving in the snow, so I usually don't which = stuck inside. At least it gives me a reason to stay on top of the laundry! We had fun with B yesterday sledding in our yard! I'm in a funk too! Hopefully it will hurry and be spring! Or summer! I'd take that over this anyday! Glad the holidays are over too!
I "greatly dislike" the amounts of snow we have been receiving too. I use Isagenix shakes every morning to help combat winter depression. Besides having a "buttload" of nutrients and live enzymes in them, they also have the amino acids necessary to help your brain produce serotonin (anti-depressant hormone) and boost mood. I swear it works for me! And hell, no, I won't go a stinkin' winter day without one for breakfast!
This is exactly why you need to move to Austin :) I am pulling for you!! I love you and miss you so very much. Keep SMILING! Your kids are darling too.
That's it...Me and you are going to Hawaii. I don't know when...and I don't know how...but we're going :o)
I think I have $12.74 in my travel jar- That should cover us for at least a week don't you think???
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