Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yeah! October!

I love this season. It is by far my favorite season.
I find the air and the clouds calming and serene. It reminds me of growing up in the San Fransisco bay area. I wish for new bones and joints to be able to appreciate it like i used to.

So those that have phobias can relate to my stubbornness when it comes to my health. I have auto immune problems. For some strange reason the answer for the best future of my bones and joints is my biggest phobia. I have endured this once before but side affects outweighed the risk. I have tried a handful of oral rx but they keep giving me ulcers or make me loose chunks of my hair. So I switched specialists and did the complete overhaul, again, and he told me my bones have some damage and I shrunk one whole inch. I finally am at my whits end of having no energy from no sleep and endless pain. So I agreed on a new treatment. Injections again...blaahhhh! Poor Scott has to endure my stress from my pure hatred for needles and inject me twice a month. I can't complain at least it's not every week, like before. Don't get me wrong I am more than grateful for living in this time to deal with this opposition. I can not imagine this life without relief of some kind, even when it is only a little.
So my point is, I know I have been blessed with wonderful friends, I would love to hear any advice or comments that would lighten my mood. (it seems little and kinda sad to have a fear of this-It makes feel weak)

Briggs' surgery is on the 22nd. He will be in intensive care for the first 24 hours then 2-4 days in the Primary children's hospital. He will be out of school 2-3 weeks. He is disappointed that he will not be at a 100% for trick or treating, but we encouraged him with a wheel chair if he was up to it. School is going well-he loves science and math.

Dylan loves school. He loves the songs he learns. He comes home and sings them for me. After he plays at is bff Logan's house.

Aliya is skooting and rolling. She babbles a lot too. Especially when chili dog comes to lick her. She loves the dog. She laughs and kicks her. She loves to give bib wet kisses and cuddle. I think she says mamma but she just might be teething. She is so sweet. We are so blessed to have her!


J♥M said...

Keep climbing. If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving!
-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Hang in there! I would hate to have shots too! Hopefully you'll notice a huge difference in the way you feel so that it'll be worth it! I'll keep passing Pepsi! :)
One day at a time! That's my motto! We'll have to have more GNO's! xoxo

Hannah Jones said...

...just get really drunk before Scott has to do injections; then you won't remember or feel a thing...
but really- I'm thinking you're a brave soul to do that to yourself twice a month. Good for you for doing it! I hope it will help you find some relief! :)
Great kids- great post- keep it up!
(your chin) :)

chelon:) said...

you are an amazing woman...truly! i am sorry that you have to endure all of that pain. i really hope that for your sake, they get it all under control. i wish that i were there to help you...or at least to sit on the couch and veg with you! i love you tons :)

Kimmers said...

You are a strong woman. I am just as terrified of needles as you are. I can't even help Jay give your cats their shots. :( I am glad to hear that they have something to help you. I know what it is like to have arthritis and it really stops your life in its tracks. When I have to get shot or somehting for different health ailments that I have, I just make sure that I close my eyes, get comfortable and ask to not see it at all.. They wait for me and I don't break out in hives!! I hear you girlfriend. Love ya...

Shana said...

First off, you know I love ya and will help ya wherever I can!!
And secondly, I am so glad that you are willing to go through this and I hope that it works and you will notice a big difference!! I am so sorry you have to go through this crap! You are a strong woman though and I admire you for it. Please let me help you though! I think you need to accept service in your life honey... even if it is only every so often! So let me know when I can!! Or I will bang down your door! :)
We will be visiting Briggs for sure. My boys are constantly thinking about him and asking questions. They are so concerned and not a day goes by that we don't pray for him by name.
He will be ok! We love you guys and can't wait to give you a night off with your hubby--- so bring the kids over! :)
Love you!

kristen said...

Wow! I am so sorry that you have to feel so much pain. I wish I knew the answer for you. You are such a fighter. You are always so possitive about everything. I hope you get to feeling better. I think that there are times in our lives where it isn't even day by day but hour by hour when we have to remind ourselves to just keep going. I hope that briggs surgery goes good. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do. Paiden would love to visit him. If he gets lonely we'll come over and visit.

Jenny said...

Yes, we totally need to get together soon, miss you guys. Sorry you have been having a lot of pain lately, I hope the shots help too, I like the idea of getting drunk :) I'll totally help Shana baby sit too if you want to go out or if you just need a break, just let me know. B has been in our prayers too. Love you guys, hang in there. Big hugs!

Stephanie said...

I am sorry that your plate is so full. Know that we love you and your cute family is in our prayers.