It has been a crazy week. I have lost track of time completely. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
Briggs' surgery was scheduled for last Wednesday. So Tuesday we went in for the pre op appointment with the neurologist and to do the surgery class that primaries has for the kids. We were upstairs in same day surgery check in waiting for the class and going over his surgery time for the next day. B decided to pass out and have a seizure. So they rushed him on the table started putting iv's in him and oxygen. While he was screaming and crying "i don't want surgery" we tried to explain it wasn't surgery time. He couldn't calm down. They admitted him and said the surgery had to be postponed for further tests. He had an eeg (brain waves) and a ekg (heart waves). They said he has a problem with blood pooling in his legs that causes him to not get blood to his brain fast enough so he faints. Yes I know it doesn't answer anything. We are still working on that one. They said everything was ok to go on with the surgery. B had his surgery on Friday. It took 3 hours. The cyst took a 1/4 space in his brain. He was in the PICU for 24hrs. He was having a hard time breathing-cause he holds his breath when he is in pain. He also won't tell you he is in pain cause he hates medicine. So the first day was super hard on him. He wouldn't eat cause they had the oxygen thing in his nose. So we felt like we where tag team wrestling. After they took out his catheter and 3 of his 4 iv's they sent him to the nuero trauma unit. He still struggled allot on Saturday letting us know what he needed. Then he just got up and started walking around on Sunday. So they said he could go home on Monday. He was supposed to be in the hospital for 5 days. Crazy! He is doing allot better. His mood is ok if he has medicine in him. Its just getting him to take it. The doc said no recess or playing for 4 weeks. In 4 weeks he gets another CT. There is always a chance of it growing back. You just never know.
We are so grateful for his recovery.
Thank you all for your faith and prayers!!!!
Grandma helped out with the kids and cleaned my house. We are so grateful to our famliy and friends that helped out. It has helped with the load!
Thanks for all the updates during this time. I appreciate it and I am so glad you guys are home and he is doing good! Scary stuff.
We will be there tomorrow and I Hope he is still feeling good.
Love you!
It was nice seeing you in person today, even if you did mistake me for a Canadian. ;)
Briggs, surgery can be a scary thing. I hate having surgery, too. Makes me cry and feel really scared. You will feel less scared as time goes on, but for now, just know that you are completely normal for feeling this way. Being scared and doing the surgery anyway is a VERY BRAVE thing to do. Lots of people are thinking about you!
Glad he is doing a little better, probably happy to be home. Wow, look at those stitches, that's crazy. I was explaining what happened to B to Kyler and he is so excited to see the stitches. Love you guys, we plan on coming up tomorrow too but will be a little late. See you then.
We couldn't be happier that you're home and the girls tell EVERYONE that He is OUR buddy! I'm so grateful for the so far positive outcome! You are tougher than you think and you are getting through this! We're excited for tomorrow! I can see why you feel like you're in the twilight zone! Lots of people love you and we'll do what we can to help you all! Luv your fam!
i am so glad that everything went well...b- you are such a trooper! i wish i were there for you and your fam...i miss you!!
I cant imagine what your lil family has gone through. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, we love you.
A big HUGE E-HUG from the Harrisons!!!! I'm so glad that he's doing better now, that is some serious stuff...you'll all continue to be in our prayers!
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