Sunday, August 17, 2008

We have had a crazy 2 weeks it seems like a century. Thank you for your kind words and for thinking of Briggs. For my friends that found out through the blog; thank you for your patience and friendships. I couldnt call my closest friends and tell you all the story over and over. This is our first tramatic experience with one of our living children and we have no experience in how to deal with this. Thank goodness for modern times.

I am so greatful for such great friends that have great faith. Thank you for your strength and positive outlook. You all inspire me to be more like you.

Scott decided it was time to spend time together as a family this week in light of things. His work was sensitive to the situation and said take as much time as you need. We went to chuky cheeses-had a picnic at the park-went out to lunch-school shopping and scott took the boys to the zoo. Fun times!

Briggs starts school tomarrow. He is soooo excited. He has a super nice teacher. She just moved here from Chicago. They are in a trailer behind another trailer. No water fountain and no bathroom. Saweeeeet!

Dylan starts Kindergarten on the 25th. He finally lost his first tooth bitting into an orange.

I am still far behind on the laundry. When I get it done the next day there are 3 more loads. How does that happen. I think that our laundry rooms should be big elaberate rooms with our favorite colors, a couch(or massage chair), a tv, snack machines. A hanger rack like at a dry cleaners and bins for every family members clothing items. Lets do away with closets for clothes and have everyone dump their clothes down a laundry shoot and come get their clothes from the "laundry closet" You would never have to transport a million loads from room to room. Just get it done in your little sanctuary and leave the clothes in the room for them to get as they need them.


J♥M said...

Amen sista!
I love that you hate the laundry as much as I do! Maybe it would be more fun to have a party at the laundromart! Good luck with the 1st day of school!

chelon:) said...

i have to agree with the laundry room...let's call it a laundry suite!! i soooo want to have one of those in my dream house! i just got my beautiful stuff....thank you thank you thank you!! love it :) now let me know what i can do for you or your kids rooms!!

Jenny said...

So how did the first day of school go? Hope you all are doing okay, that's super awesome that Scott took off some time to hang with the fam, he works so much so I'm sure that was really nice. Love ya, lets get together soon.

Shana said...

HAHA Shanna! I totally agree with you!! That sounds like the perfect laundry room!! :) I am so glad you guys have been able to spend some really nice quality time with each other! :) Sounds nice!! I miss you and love you much!

J♥M said...

Ok... I'm ready to hear about D's 1st day of kind-e-garten!

kristen said...

thank you so much for the beautiful stuff for kate. Sorry I never got back to you on the size. They will be perfect. Thank you for being such a great friend. Please let me know if there is anything Ican do for you and your family. We will keep briggs in our prayers. We hope he does well. Good luck with school.

J♥M said...

Are you done reading those books?