Saturday, July 12, 2008

Buisy summer

Just kidding. It feels buisy with our new addition. We don't take trips to Disneyland or some exotic island. We just hang out.

Briggs and Dylan are the 2 amigos. As much to Brigss' dismay and frustration. They play outside together and fallow eachother everywhere. They love to play with their friends.

Scott has 3 jobs now. His detective FT job and 2 PT security jobs. 1 security job at the district theaters in Sojo and security for the Sojo temple construction. So on his days off from his FT job he works his PT jobs. We are greatful for these jobs cause it keeps us a float. He jsut cracked a big case he has been working really hard on. If you heard on the news almost 2 weeks ago about a bank robery in Sojo, Scott has been working some seriouse hours to find the theiving, hiding robers. They kept slipping away. He finlay found them all an cracked the inside job bank robbery. Good job detective daddy!

Aaaah, I am not sure what I have to update with my uneventful life. I try to keep my house clean. The boys are good helpers, it's a big job for us to take on. I still hate grows like mold. I am trying to loose a million pounds, I hate dieting, I wish I had a gourmet cook plan and cook my meals-and serve me beautiful dinners. I also try to make jewelry when I get 5 minutes. My freinds' sister lives in Oregon and works at a boutiqe. They baught some baby bracelets and binki holders from me a while ago. They said they will see how they sell and they will call me with a new order if it goes well. PRAY it all sells and they order lots more. I am so excited for this opportunity. I hope it pans out. I have a hard time being productive. I try to rest my body when I am not holding the baby or cleaning. I love to DVR chick flicks and watch them. I feel I could get so much more done; I wish I could scrap book my billions of pictures. But I feel so overwelmed with that many pictures. (Does anyone have any ideas to keep it simple.) I wish I could keep new hobbies simple. It just seems like I have to go overboard, for me, for it to look as good as Amy's and Chelon's stuff. I wish I was a super mom and got all these things accomplished. (ie like those 2 names above)


Adhis said...

Oh, I don't try to scrapbook like Chelon at all! I call what I do "photo journaling" which means I gotta keep it simple and quick. It may not be as "fun" but it gets done.

amyharrisonphotography said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed that you commented earlier today, so I thought that you might have updated. I got here and the background was purple so I was super excited....then I notice "Happy MoFo's Day", and I was like "Nice try can change the background color all you want but I still wanna see pictures of that there bebe of yours." Thank Goodness I gave it a try tonight...An Update YEAH!!!! A big fat congrats to Scott for putting the perps in the slammer! And congrats to you for getting a zillion more things done in a day than I could ever get done! And as far as the simplist scrapbooking what I do and just don't do anything! hahahahaha. I figure keeping up with my fam blog is going to have to be good enough for now, and my friend told me about a company that can print your blog posts into a really nice book, so it's like a journal. I'm totally all over that! You're the greatest Shan! And not to make a long comment even longer....What do you call that there Bead Business of yours? I'm trying to work up a little sumptin' sumptin' yo. Okay, well have a great night. I have a talk to put together for Reagan for tomorrow so I really shouldn't be blog stalking...whatever :)

chelon:) said...

seriously girl!! i haven't been able to scrapbook in forever!! i do the blog thing too and look forward to just being able to print it in some nice book! that way i don't feel guilty about all of the pics collecting dust upstairs! you are soooo amazing. your jewelry takes so much time and they are such beautiful pieces. i am always getting compliments on all of the great stuff that i have gotten from you :) i think your fam is soooo cute!! love that baby :) i wish i were there to snuggle a few kisses to that neck! tell your hubby nice job too...that has to make the job rewarding! i hope that all is well. we need to talk soon! love you tons-xoxo

Jenny said...

Way to go Scott :) Glad you are staying busy, you are so funny, one thing I do know about you is you for sure hate laundry :) I love all the jewelry you make too, you are so good with that stuff. As far as scrapbooking goes I would be willing to help you out. There are a lot of books out there now that are created already and all you have to do is drop the photo in. You would just need to send me photos and I could do that part for you. Let me know if you really want help doing it. And I can help you decorate your blog too if you want, anytime, just let me know.